By Brent Stephens on August 24, 2012

Earlier this summer I wrote an article for the summer 2012 issue of Air Media, a publication by the National Air Filtration Association (NAFA). NAFA and its members have been wonderful, accepting supporters of my work. Many members have become friends, and I always enjoy helping out the filtration industry by collaborating with NAFA and its body of members.
You can read my article, “Field Measurements of Filtration Efficiency in Homes,” on page 4 of the current issue. In it I discuss how to perform measurements of particle removal efficiency by HVAC filters in real residential indoor environments and highlight some recent test results.
I really appreciate Al Veeck (of NAFA) and Jim Rosenthal (of Tex-Air Filters) for reaching out and asking me to write this article, as well as my PhD adviser Dr. Jeffrey Siegel for his large contribution to this work.
View Air Media online or download a PDF of the article directly
By Brent Stephens on August 19, 2012
A colleague of mine, Josh Rhodes, at the University of Texas at Austin, sent me a link to Elsevier’s “SciVerse Hub” page, which they apparently use to help researchers and authors reach out to each other. One service they offer (and this is what Josh sent) is an “author wordle,” which makes a sort of tag cloud using words and topics from your published papers. It seems like they used not just articles published with Elsevier either…
check it out!

I’ll have to update this every once in a while as our group publishes more. For now, I think I’ll make it a mainstay somewhere on the site.
By Brent Stephens on August 9, 2012
After a long delay due to a floor tile issue, a partition wall has finally been constructed to separate student offices and the lab.

By Brent Stephens on August 2, 2012
I will be sharing a lab space with Prof. Paul Anderson. The space is currently undergoing some much needed renovation. Here are a couple of pictures from before…

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By Brent Stephens on August 1, 2012
After a long journey from Austin, TX over the last week, I have finally made it to Chicago and am settling in. I’m looking forward to my position at IIT. Classes begin on August 20th!
I’ll be teaching CAE 463 Building Enclosure Design this fall. Stay tuned to the CAE 463 course website for updated information about the syllabus and schedule.