ENVE 576: Indoor Air Pollution (Summer 2020)
ENVE 576 is the study of indoor air pollution sources, indoor pollutant levels, monitoring instruments and designs; indoor pollution control strategies: source control, control equipment and ventilation; energy conservation and indoor air pollution; exposure studies and population time budgets; effects of indoor air population; risk analysis; models for predicting source emission rates and their impact on indoor air environments.
Course Syllabus
Course Blog
Lecture Notes
- June 2 Introduction to indoor air pollution
- June 4 Reactor models, ventilation and air exchange rates, and human exposure patterns
- June 9 Overview of indoor pollutants
- June 11 Gaseous pollutants: sources, emission models, adsorption/desorption
- June 16 Gaseous pollutants: reactive deposition, homogeneous chemistry
- June 23 Indoor particles: particle dynamics, size distributions, and respiratory deposition
- June 26 Indoor particles: sources, deposition, and resuspension
- June 30 Indoor particles: penetration, infiltration
- July 2 Indoor particles: filtration and air cleaners
- July 7 SVOCs and health effects/epidemiology
- July 10 IAQ measurement techniques
- July 14 Indoor microbiology
- July 17 Airborne infectious disease transmission
- July 21 IAQ in developing countries, IAQ applications and standards